The 4-H Horse Project can be an enjoyable project, but it can also be one of the most dangerous ones. That is why I'm making this video – to show how to be safe while enjoying your project. Whether you show horses, compete, or just pleasure ride, safety is very important. Some people treat horses like bicycles, but they are living animals with a brain and heart. In this video, we want to help you stay safe and understand your horse. Hi, my name is Zoe Carter, and today I want to talk to you about some basic horse safety tips. Too many accidents involving young people happen every year, and they are seriously or fatally injured. So in this video, I want to show you how horses see, how they communicate, how to safely approach them, and how to safely pick up their feet. Pay attention because a safe aspect is a good horse project. As you can see, horse's eyes are on the sides of their head, making it easier for them to see to the side and directly in front of them. To show this, make a fist with your right hand and put it on your forehead. Then, with your left hand, stick it straight out in front, elbow straight. Can you see your left hand? That's how horses communicate. Horses communicate in a lot of different ways. One way is through their ears. Right now, you can tell that the horse is calm and comfortable because her ears are relaxed and forward. If her ears were back, you could tell that something has her attention. It's important to watch your horse's ears and understand what they're trying to communicate to you. Now that we understand how horses communicate, let's talk about how to safely approach your horse. The...
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4 h horse handbook Form: What You Should Know
No Helmet Required At Meetings, Prep, or Other Events. Any 4-H Member may take part by wearing a “real life” (on-field) helmet without restriction. Only 3/8” thick polycarbonate or similar material with a hard, impervious exterior to impact is allowed. 4.2 Helmet Requirements — Helmets Required On the Field In The Field Only. The “real life” (on-field) helmet must: Be a 3/8” thick or higher polycarbonate material which has a hard, impervious exterior; Not have any protruding parts that could allow a horse-rider to be injured or potentially killed when a rider hits the ground against a horse. Never have sharp edges or points attached to the sides of the head. Also, the polycarbonate must be a soft-shell material so that it can be broken by being shaken hard enough to fracture it. If the helmet is hard (i.e. it has sharp edges or points), or broken by being shaken, the horse will feel the impact and may cause a serious wound or death. 4.3 Helmet Requirements — No Helmet Required On the Field By 4/3 To Qualify For A Scholarship. If Helmets Were Required On the Field By 4/1 To Qualify For The 2025 4-H Rider Scholarship, It Would Have Been Eligible For Eligibility From 2012-15. Horse Project — The Placer County Horse Master-Ship Program The Placer County Horse Master Ship Program is designed to test the knowledge and skills of the 4-H members enrolled in horse projects in Placer County. The 4-H Horse Project — OSU Extension Catalog 5.1 Horse Identification — A person must identify the horse by making the following statements about the horse: Age and sex. Horse's name (Horses must be registered with the county treasurer and must have a current number). Location. Date of birth. Number of horses. Number of horses registered as of 4/1. 6.1 Horse Identification — A person must make the following statements about the horse: Age, sex, description of body hair and colors, hair type, ears, nose and whiskers. Horse's name, registered name. Location. Horse's horse-handling record, as compiled by the BLM. Date of birth of individual horse registered by BLM.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing 4 h horse handbook